Writing Prompt: Me and My Gals

Me and my pugs Busy weekend. Finished an article for Rutland Magazine in the wee hours and rose to visit with a friend and go on a shopping spree to Burlington. I've been enjoying sharing, reading and viewing the art, writing and photographs of a number of creative people on two new Facebook groups. Jon Katz's Open Group for Bedlam Farm and Maria Wulf's Fellow Artists. Both are growing and thriving and finding a life of their own. I think they are showing the desire for people to connect, encourage and learn from each other. That's nothing new, but as interconnected as the Internet makes us, it also has a reputation for cutting us off, keeping us isolated in a cyber world. In some ways, this is probably true, but in a broader sense these groups are demonstrating that the more things change the more they stay the same -- we humans, whatever our faults always seem to find a way to reach out, connect and keep sharing our stories whether it be across campfires and cave paintings, telephone wires or the world wide web, our tales reach out untethered to find a friend to listen to confirm that we are part of a greater whole.

Writing Prompt: In many ways our blog posts, tweets and Facebook updates are like ancient paintings on a cave's walls. They tell the stories of our times. If you were to leave a short and simple tale behind what would it be -- one post, one tweet, one status update. Write them now.